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February 15, 2010

Hale Makua Wailuku Celebrates Valentine’s Day

On February 12th, Hale Makua Wailuku residents and staff celebrated Valentine’s Day with a special lunch and dancing.Photos:Activities Director, Lynsey, dancing with residents Zosima Medeiros...

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February 11, 2010

What is Resident-Directed Care?

In my last couple of postings I wrote about resident-directed care, also known as person-centered care. For those who may not be familiar with what resident-directed care is, I thought I’d tr...

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January 22, 2010

Computer Training Stems from Luana

This month our Administrative Secretary embarked on a project of her own design with the goal of helping residents who expressed an interest in learning how to use a computer or various computer pr...

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December 23, 2009

Students & Seniors Come Together for the Winter Ball

Thank you to the St. Anthony’s school students, faculty, and advisers who treated Hale Makua Wailuku residents to a Winter Ball on December 4th. Residents got dressed up for the event, and we...

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December 23, 2009

Hale Makua Holds Winter Olympics

Yesterday I was treated to a preview of the Winter Olympics – Hale Makua style. The games were held at Hale Makua Kahului in the Aloha Cafe. There were a total of five winter games with six p...

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December 18, 2009

Enjoying a Day at the Maui County Fair

The Maui County Fair is held annually at the beginning of October. The Fair is all about reconnecting with friends and family in an environment where everyone from the keiki (kids) to kupuna (elder...

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December 16, 2009

The Joy of Music & Dance

Our Activities Departments strive to provide meaningful activities and interactions for residents, and to create an environment that may stimulate variety and spontaneity for unexpected and unpredi...

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December 10, 2009

Why start a blog about our Luana journey?

The idea to start a blog came about at last week’s Luana Core Team meeting as a way to keep other people informed about Hale Makua Health Services Luana’ journey, our challenges and goa...

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