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June 22, 2023

Residents' Candle Making Project

The halls at Hale Makua have been bursting with the aroma of lavender, vanilla, citrus, and other relaxing scents. Jetaun Lowery (pictured far right in the photo) is a resident at Hale Makua, ...

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Tags: engaging activities, Fundraiser


June 08, 2020

Wailuku Parade Reconnects Families After Nearly Three Months

It was a day filled with emotion and excitement during a parade event held at the Wailuku campus on June 5th (click here to watch a video of the parade).  Residents were lined around the drive...

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Tags: Activities, Meaningful Activitiy, engaging activities


May 05, 2020

Cinco De Mayo Parade Gives Residents a Chance to See Loved Ones

Hale Makua Kahului Residents were given a rare opportunity to safely reconnect with loved ones during a Cinco de Mayo celebration parade (click here to view a video of the event).  A hundred H...

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Tags: Activities, Meaningful Activity, engaging activities, love, Hale Makua, Human Companionship, Celebration, Employees


March 16, 2020

Residents Enjoy an Afternoon of Art and Cooking

Hale Makua offers many activities for our residents, including ones facilitated by dedicated volunteers and guests.  One such individual is artist, Marie Calagna, who has conducted art therapy...

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Tags: Antidote to Boredom, Activities, Meaningful Activity, engaging activities, Food


October 08, 2019

Making Memories, Sharing Moments at the Maui Fair

Lifetime, long-time and even recent Maui residents know that the Maui Fair is one of the biggest events on the island. In it's 97th year, the Maui Fair did not disappoint. Our residents look fo...

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Tags: spontaneous moments, Antidote to Boredom, Meaningful Activity, engaging activities


April 08, 2016

Residents Celebrate Buddha's Birth

Domo arigato gozaimashita (thank you very much) to the Maui Hanamatsuri Association for helping residents at Hale Makua Kahului and Wailuku celebrate the holiday of Buddha's birth. For the past...

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Tags: Meaningful Activity, engaging activities, elder-centered community, Community Giving, Celebration


July 06, 2015

Molding More Than Clay

A potter holds a block of clay in his hands imagining the possibilities of what it could become.  Full of patience, the potter begins to knead and mold the clay. Slowly it begins to take shape...

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Tags: Compassionate Caring, Antidote to Boredom, Meaningful Activity, engaging activities, Kokua for Kupuna, Fundraiser, Care Partners

September 25, 2010

Residents View 30 Years of Photojournalism at the MACC

On Wednesday, Hale Makua residents visited the newest exhibit at Maui Arts & Culture Center’s Schaefer International Gallery – Matthew Thayer and The Maui News: Thirty Years of Ph...

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Tags: engaging activities

September 03, 2010

Benefit of Engaging Activities

This morning Administrator in Training, Connie Miller, shared a story from her volunteering experience at this past Friday’s Bon Dance at Hale Makua Kahului, where she helped with transpor...

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Tags: engaging activities


June 12, 2010

Wii Go Boxing

Residents and staff partnered up in teams to go a few rounds of boxing Wii-style. Pictured here are the women versus the men, with resident Rose Ah Sam and Activities Assistant May Cordero on the l...

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Tags: Antidote to Boredom, Principle 5, engaging activities, variety and spontaneity